hottigboyz: Good day of basketball. - @obeycharles_-...
Good day of basketball. - @obeycharles_- #instagram
makemeshoot: vintage bondage
vintage bondage
shirtlesshotasfuck: Hard boy nipple + thin shirt = a beautiful...
Hard boy nipple + thin shirt = a beautiful thing
Loveeeee the boots can anybody tell me where to find a similar pairr…
Hey im sorry its been awhile… um been kinda thinking of what to write, this is still all very new to me. Yo see ive never really had that ONE stable person that i fealt could be as a support for me, even thought i have been a support for a lot of people growing up, i guess that damaged me some, i mean i felt like i had to keep everybody’s secrets… right so why should i tell mines to anybody… so here it goes i give to you everything that is me… i was Born 1990, october to be precise… i have a big family, if a family is what you can call it. My father died when i was six… my mom i guess not wanting to deal with it uprooted me and my brother and took us to live in florida. We were happy i think… dont really know why but for some reason i have blocked my whole childhood, i remember nothing… i knew i was gay early on. I dont know if my fooling with a cousin really older than me just made me sure o was kind of the reason… i tell myself no. But i mean i can never REALLY be sure… the telling me if i dint do it meant i dint love him as a family kinda still sticks in my head… my mom went tru some bad time… did things, hung out with the wrong people… lol guess what peer preasure not really for young kids only… anyway my brother used that to his advantage, he never really like orlando and always wanted to move back home so he told me a lot of things. Like mom needs help and what not. So childservices came iN the picture. I do remember one phrase that will always stick with me… “whoever wants them could have them” the last words i would hear from my mother in a very long time… for the next month or so we were brought back and fourth from childservices headquarters to diffrent childrens homes around the area before we were put in a permenant camp… BOYS only for the next year of our lives… it was hell especially when i was caught looking at one of the boys… he like to play games… one time we were caught and got in so much trouble, i was so scared i mean A family member was going to adopt us and they told me that could change everything, they told me they could take me to another home and everything… needles to say i did nothing else after that… my brother kept getting in and out of trouble so i really could not count on him… if was only when the adoption went tru that i would sleep again… i mean confortably. i was back home and i hated it… not my family but the island… everything was so DIFFERENT the people the manners… it was my personal Hell… i was an 12 year old abused and battered overweight, closeted gay in a very judgemental and non tolerant school… one word and i was prob. Getting beat up or made fun of. Needles to say againg i made a mask and put it on… for 3 years of middle school i was invisible, made sure to keep my head down and just wait for it to be over… 3 years passed and my mom came back into my life… she had got help and moved back home. She offered me to come back home with her. And i did, little did i know what was to come. We got a place and i finished my high school early which was good, but nothing had really changed… so againg i had to move this time with my grams. There finally could i be just a little bit of myself… i was still in the closet so to speak and never really had a friend or anybody to speak to, i had many lonely night were i layed there just wondering if it could ever get better many times i tried to end the pain but obviously as i sit here 10 years later it was withought luck… i got a job and went to college. It was there in my job were i could be free. It was like everybody knew, they saw me for me and i loved it… i was happy to go to work, was even invited out a couple of times to clubs and parties, it made me feel wanted and special but like everything in life it came to an end when my contract ended…from there my main focuse againg became school… and i poured myself into it… i loved art and was finally in a school that offered me the oppurtunity to better myself, but i was still not happy. I was lonely and i hated it, i was an outcast a freak a social piranah……. I made a decision, i had to leave my fzmily and everything i knew to start fresh… a new beggining would await me in MIAMI… but thats enough for tonight. I dont know if anybody is reading if you are i welcome you… for by the time this is over you will prob. Know me better than some of my family…
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Ya ahi lo hice
Starting Note
So i have a lot of free time on my hands lately, and thats why i am doing this. Please PLEASE dont Be rude. lol its funny because i sit here on 8/10/2012 at 1:37pm in the night and i cant make up my mind about what to talk to you guys about… i dont even know if there is anybody out there reading this, if there is welcome… i think i will skip a few things and circle back to them later and just start with Middle School. I went to School in Orlando, Florida. it was fun and i loved it, but i guess i never really fitted in, and boy did i try… I had some Problems starting out with my English and thats why one of my Neighbor actually helped me out a lottttt. i mean thanks to her i now can speak and somewhat write it perfect for the most part. I had friends and everything and get THIS, i had a GIRLFRIEND, if you can call it that at that age, i played along because i feared what it meant that i wasnt really atracted to girls, at that age i had nobody to talk to about those feelings not to mention i came from a family of really devoted JEHOVA WITNESSes. My Dad died when i was really young and so i only had my grandmother and mother there, i do have Brothers but you know five years apart and he dint want anything to do with me. But anyway getting back to it yes, i played the part and held her hand and carried her books, it was kinda cute…lol until i found out she was using her to get to my Friend. lol dont get me wrong looking back at it i dont really blame her, He was really Middle School aint it a bitch.
First Time
I dont really know what i am doing here… this is kind of my first time doing anything like this, so just bare with me… open up to suggestion.
A little about me…
My name will remain unknow for some reasons, but apart from that i am a regular 21 year old guy from PUERTO RICO, i dont really go out much, I dont really fit into the clubbing scene here in Puerto Rico. Especially the Gay Clubbing Scene, what they are calling dance its soooo… lol there’s no words to describe it. I rather enjoy a nice get together with friends and family, dont get me wrong when i drink , I DRINK…lol its just its so dangerous here. I Have the typical large Puertorican family, not that it really matters, i mean they do them and we do us and god forbid we have a get togethere because i can garante there will be chaos, but u know thats what i got… Im not Perfect u know, im not the perfect cookie cutter type model, i dint get perfect grades growing up, i dint know how to make friends, always alone…yeah thats me FOREVER ALONE…
Im just here. and i do this for you so that hopefully my life can Bring about some kind of change… i mean isnt that what we all want??? CHANGE. Change from the name calling and the bullying. I will be here posting my life experience and i hope that is not toooo BORING. :)
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